How high would you soar if you didn’t have fear holding you back? What is it that gets in your way, preventing you from experiencing the excellence in you? What is it that stops you from living your life to the fullest?
It may just be an imaginary cat. Please read on…
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend a workshop led by Tara Brach, psychologist and author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge.
Dr. Brach told a story about a cage full of baby rats who loved to play. One day a cat hair was put into their cage and the rats immediately stopped playing. Although there was no cat and no real danger, they never played again. Their fear dominated the rest of their lives.
Can you relate to those baby rats? How many times have you let your fear hold you back from being the amazing person that you were designed to be? Do you fixate on what could go wrong? Do you worry about what others might be thinking? Do you hold yourself back because you fear that you might fail or be rejected? If you do, you may be running from an imaginary cat.
Are you ready to investigate and challenge those fears? Are you ready to throw the piece of hair out of the cage and resume play? Maybe you are ready to not only get rid of the hair, maybe you are ready to get out of the cage altogether.
Sometimes you find that the scariest things live only in your mind.
“If your mind is not cluttered with unnecessary things, this will be the best season in your life.” -Tara Brach
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